Thursday, April 2, 2009


hi everyone !! ( ehem , all of you who is following my blog , glad to see you here again). its been quite sometime i scribble something here.Today , just wanna share something about love. Got a nice cartoon here :)

Ever wonder whaT IS it like to really love someone ? Or being loved deeply by somebody ? Human is still only human , can we ever unconditionally give out our love without the fear of getting hurt or being betray ? Its can be real hard and a huge pressure if we only used our own strength in doing that . How many times in a day , that we encounter people whom we wish that they never exist in this world? How many times in a day , we hope we never need to talk or hear from that person again ? It may be your classmates, colleagues, boss or the one who is squeezing you to death in the LRT.The twisted way of the word "LOVE" is being used now contradict what GOD has want it to be.GOd say love your neighbour as yourself . We love the people around us like how we treasure our own body . HOw can we do that ? By our own might, I will say that it is a "MISSION impossible" . BUt with GOD , all things are possible ....For He loved us first as His own . SO if you feel UNLOVED now, DON'T BE , because GOD LOVE YOU . His love is the one unconditional LOVE ( agape) that will not change even when we ourself change and move away from presence.Like the cartoon up there, God love us so much , and will definitely 'hug' everyone of us ,even people who is not Christian now,God is still looking out for you !

Dont worry if you feel pressurize to love an " unlovely" person...Just surrender that person to God , and yourself ,and let God lead the way in your relationship. Pray !

Prayer works!!